a.o. Masterstudium (Continuing Education)

International Relations and Urban Policy



International Relations and Urban Policy

Wiens City Management ist Vorbild für viele politische Systeme und urbane Zentren. Zugleich ist die Bundeshauptstadt Standort bedeutender internationaler Organisationen und diplomatischer Vertretungen. Vor diesem Hintergrund geht es im englischsprachigen, interdisziplinär ausgerichteten außerordentlichen Masterstudium darum, die Themen Diplomatie, Verwaltung, politisches Management und angewandte Politikwissenschaft zu verbinden. High Potentials in internationalen und kommunalen Organisationen bauen ihre Führungs- und Managementfähigkeiten aus und spezialisieren sich in International Affairs und Urban Policy.

Verwaltung, Wirtschaft, Sicherheit, Politik


  • Englischsprachiges Studium mit internationaler Vernetzung

  • Einzigartige Kombination von Angewandter Politikwissenschaft, Diplomatie, politischem Management und Verwaltung

  • Spezialisierung auf International Affairs oder Urban Policy




    Master of Arts (Continuing Education), MA(CE)

    4 Semester


    Einmalzahlung € 14.900,-

    Alternativmodell für Semesterraten1

    + ÖH Beitrag / pro Semester

    120 ECTS

    Zur Zeit ist keine Bewerbung möglich



    1 Alternativmodell für Semesterraten finden Sie unter "Kosten". Alle Details zum Studienbeitrag in der allgemeinen Beitragsordnung.
    Bei Interesse an einer Bewerbung senden Sie uns eine E-Mail an irup@fh-campuswien.ac.at oder nutzen Sie unser Kontaktformular.

    Vor dem Studium

    Sie sind in der Verwaltung oder in einem internationalen Umfeld tätig und möchten Ihr berufliches Portfolio entscheidend erweitern. "Think global" ist für Sie kein Schlagwort, sondern entspricht Ihrem Mindset. Sie sind fähig, Entwicklungen in einen größeren Kontext zu setzen und mehrdimensionale Zusammenhänge zu erkennen. Komplexität flößt Ihnen keine Furcht ein, sondern animiert Sie vielmehr, Strukturen und Potenziale freizulegen um gute Lösungen zu erreichen. In jedem Fall geht es Ihnen darum, gesellschaftliche Verantwortung mitzutragen, administrative Prozesse und Entscheidungen noch zu professionalisieren.

    Das spricht für Ihr Studium bei uns

    Exzellentes Netzwerk

    Sie bauen sich ab Tag 1 Ihres Studiums ein tragfähiges Netzwerk auf.

    Neue Denkweisen

    Wir laden Sie ein, mit uns gemeinsam Themen zu verknüpfen und völlig neu zu denken.

    Ausgesuchte Lehrende

    Bei uns unterrichten Sie Entscheidungsträger*innen in und Expert*innen ihres Fachs.

    Fachliche Zugangsvoraussetzung

    Die fachliche Zugangsvoraussetzung ist

    • ein abgeschlossenes Bachelor-, Master- oder Diplomstudium und
    • eine mindestens zweijährige einschlägige Berufserfahrung im Bereich Verwaltung, Wirtschaft oder Politik (z.B. in internationalen Organisationen, im politisch-administrativen System, NGO, Privatunternehmen).

    Über die Eignung der Bewerber*innen entscheidet eine Kommission im Einzelfall.

    Sprachliche Zugangsvoraussetzung

    Das Studium wird zur Gänze in englischer Sprache durchgeführt. Das erforderliche Sprachniveau gemäß dem Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen für Sprachen (GER) beträgt mindestens

    • Englisch - Niveau B2.

    Beglaubigung ausländischer Dokumente

    Bewerber*innen, deren erforderliche Urkunden zur Bewerbung nicht aus Österreich stammen, benötigen je nach Staat gegebenenfalls eine Beglaubigung, damit sie die Beweiskraft inländischer öffentlicher Urkunden haben. Informationen zu den jeweils vorgeschriebenen Beglaubigungen finden Sie hier im PDF.

    Übersetzung Ihrer Dokumente

    Für Dokumente, die weder auf Deutsch noch auf Englisch verfasst sind, ist eine Übersetzung durch eine*n allgemein beeidigte*n und gerichtlich zertifizierte*n Dolmetscher*in erforderlich. Ihre Originaldokumente sollten vor der Übersetzung alle erforderlichen Beglaubigungsstempel aufweisen, damit die Stempel ebenfalls übersetzt werden. Die Übersetzung muss mit dem Originaldokument oder einer beglaubigten Kopie fest verbunden sein.

    Online-Bewerbung – Dokumente hochladen

    Laden Sie im Zuge Ihrer Online-Bewerbung Scans Ihrer Originaldokumente inklusive aller erforderlichen Beglaubigungsvermerke hoch. Bei nicht deutsch- oder englischsprachig ausgestellten Dokumenten müssen zudem Scans von den dazugehörigen Übersetzungen hochgeladen werden. Über die Gleichwertigkeit internationaler (Hoch-)Schulabschlüsse entscheidet die Studiengangs- bzw. Studienprogrammleitung. Die Prüfung Ihrer Dokumente ist daher ausschließlich im Zuge des laufenden Bewerbungsverfahrens möglich.

    Ihr Weg zum Studium an der FH Campus Wien beginnt mit der Registrierung auf unserer Bewerbungsplattform. In Ihrem Online-Account können Sie direkt mit der Bewerbung starten oder einen Reminder aktivieren, wenn die Bewerbungsphase noch nicht begonnen hat.

    Dokumente für Ihre Online-Bewerbung

    1. Identitätsnachweis
      • Reisepass oder
      • Personalausweis oder
      • österreichischer Führerschein (Staatsbürgerschaftsnachweis erforderlich) oder
      • Aufenthaltstitel (Staatsbürgerschaftsnachweis erforderlich)
    2. Nachweis über eine Namensänderung, falls zutreffend (z. B. Heiratsurkunde)
    3. Nachweis über die Erfüllung der fachlichen Zugangsvoraussetzung
      • Studienabschlussurkunde und
      • Transcript of Records oder Diploma Supplement
      • Wenn Sie Ihr Studium noch nicht abgeschlossen haben, laden Sie bitte einen Nachweis über alle bisher im Zuge des facheinschlägigen Studiums absolvierten Lehrveranstaltungen inkl. ECTS-Credits hoch.
    4. Sprachnachweis Englisch Niveau B2 des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen (GER). Als Nachweis gilt:
      • Reifezeugnis mit erfolgreich abgelegter Reifeprüfung im Schulfach Englisch (Niveau B2 muss ersichtlich sein)
      • Reifezeugnis einer englischsprachigen Schule
      • Studienberechtigungszeugnis einer österreichischen Hochschule mit erfolgreich abgelegter Prüfung im Fach Englisch
      • Transcript of Records/Diploma Supplement einer anerkannten postsekundären Bildungseinrichtung mit Nachweis von erfolgreich absolvierten englischsprachigen Lehrveranstaltungen im Ausmaß von mindestens 6 ECTS-Credits bzw. 150 Stunden
      • IB Diploma nach den Bestimmungen der International Baccalaureate Organization mit Schulfach Englisch
      • Ergänzungsprüfung Vorstudienlehrgang - Englisch B2
      • Englisch-Zertifikat (nicht älter als 3 Jahre), z. B.:
        • FH Campus Wien: Oxford Test of English Level B2 (score range = 111-140)
        • TOEFL: 72-94 Punkte
        • IELTS Academic: Overall Band Score = 5,5-6,5
        • Cambridge: B2 First (FCE) oder C1 Advanced (Certificate in Advanced English CAE) – Ergebnis Level B2 (minimum scale score = 160)
        • Sprachkompetenznachweis eines universitären Sprachenzentrums auf Niveau B2
        • Nachweise über ein höheres Sprachniveau gelten ebenfalls.
    5. tabellarischer Lebenslauf auf Englisch
    6. Motivationsschreiben auf Englisch
    7. Beglaubigungen und Übersetzungen, falls zutreffend (Details im Reiter "Ausländische Dokumente und Abschlüsse")

    Ihre Bewerbung ist gültig, wenn Sie die erforderlichen Unterlagen vollständig hochgeladen haben. Sollten Sie zum Zeitpunkt Ihrer Online-Bewerbung noch nicht über alle Dokumente verfügen, reichen Sie diese bitte umgehend nach Erhalt per E-Mail an das Sekretariat nach.

    Nach Abschluss Ihrer Online-Bewerbung erhalten Sie eine E-Mail-Bestätigung mit Informationen zum weiteren Ablauf.

    Der Aufnahmeprozess ist ein zweistufiges Verfahren. Im ersten Schritt werden alle formalen Anforderungen kontrolliert und überprüft. Darüber hinaus sind der Lebenslauf und das Motivationsschreiben wichtige Elemente, die Aufschluss über die bisherige Leistungsfähigkeit geben. Ist die grundsätzliche Berechtigung zur Teilnahme gegeben, werden die Studierenden zu einem Aufnahmegespräch eingeladen. Dieses Gespräch wird anhand eines strukturierten Leitfadens geführt und dient auch dazu, wissenschaftliche Grundkenntnisse anhand spezieller Aufgabenstellungen zu überprüfen.

    Um die Intersubjektivität der Ergebnisse zu gewährleisten, wird das Aufnahmegespräch durch mindestens zwei Personen aus dem Kernteam des Masterlehrganges geführt. Die Vertiefungen werden nur bei einer Mindestanzahl von Teilnehmer*innen angeboten.

    Über die Eignung der Bewerber*innen entscheidet eine Kommission im Einzelfall.

    Es sind noch Fragen zum Studium offen geblieben?

    Dann vereinbaren Sie einen Termin mit Lehrgangskoordinator Hessam Habibi Doroh irup@fh-campuswien.ac.at für eine persönliche Beratung via Zoom.


    Der Lehrgangsbeitrag wird nach den tatsächlichen Kosten festgesetzt. Darüber hinaus gehören Studierende an Fachhochschulen der österreichischen Hochschülerinnen- und Hochschülerschaft an. Zusätzlich zum Lehrgangsbeitrag zahlen Sie daher jedes Semester den ÖH-Beitrag.


    Variante A

    Dieses Modell geht davon aus, dass Sie den gesamten Lehrgang absolvieren und bezahlen. Die Kosten von € 14.900,- sind zu Beginn des Lehrgangs zur Gänze fällig.

    Einmalzahlung: € 14.900,-
    (rund 4 Wochen vor Beginn des ersten Semesters fällig)

    Variante B

    Dieses Modell bietet die Möglichkeit, den Lehrgangsbeitrag in 4 Raten à € 3.850,- zu bezahlen. Wenn Sie den Lehrgang vorzeitig beenden, müssen Sie den Lehrgangsbeitrag dennoch in voller Höhe bezahlen.

    Semesterrate: € 3.850,-
    (jeweils rund 4 Wochen vor Semesterbeginn fällig.)
    Gesamtbetrag: € 15.400,-

    Variante C

    Dieses Modell berücksichtigt die Möglichkeit, das Studium nach jedem Semester beenden zu können und bietet sich für jene an, die sich die Option des vorzeitigen Ausstieges offen halten wollen.

    Semesterrate für erstes, zweites und drittes Semester jeweils: € 4.870,-
    Viertes Semester: € 2.140,-
    (jeweils rund 4 Wochen vor Semesterbeginn fällig)
    Gesamtbetrag: € 16.750,-

    Kann ich mir mein Studium leisten?

    Für Hochschullehrgänge sowie für Kurse und Seminare können finanzielle Beihilfen beantragt werden.

    Infos zu Förderstellen finden Sie unter Förderungen und Stipendien

    Im Studium

    Als qualifizierter* Berufstätiger* in internationalen und kommunalen Organisationen erhalten Sie in diesem englischsprachigen Programm eine fundierte akademische Weiterbildung mit umfangreichem Know-how im Führungs- und Managementbereich.

    Wir berücksichtigen Ihre spezifischen Bedürfnisse, indem wir zwei Spezialisierungen anbieten: International Affairs und Urban Policy. Sie lernen Managementinstrumente kennen, die Sie dabei unterstützen, konkrete Probleme in internationalen Angelegenheiten und in der Stadtpolitik zu meistern und erarbeiten Handlungsanleitungen für nachhaltige Lösungen im urbanen, aber auch im internationalen Umfeld.

    Ihre Berufserfahrung verbinden Sie mit profundem wissenschaftlichen Know-how und nützen die Nähe zur aktuellen Forschung in den Applied Political Sciences. Im Studium bearbeiten Sie aktuelle Themen und Fragestellungen aus ihrer eigenen Berufspraxis. Im regen Austausch mit Ihren Studienkolleg*innen und Vortragenden bauen Sie sich ein Netzwerk auf, in dem das neueste Wissen zirkuliert. Die Stadt Wien unterstützt dieses Netzwerk aktiv.

    Zahlreiche Lehrende kommen als Top-Expert*innen mit Führungsverantwortung aus der öffentlichen Verwaltung oder von renommierten Universitäten. Sie bringen aktuelle Themen aus ihrer erfolgreichen Berufspraxis ein. Für Praxisnähe und vertiefenden Austausch stehen unsere Kamingespräche, zu denen wir Sie einladen.

    Das Studium schließen Sie mit einem international anerkannten Master of Arts (Continuing Education) ab.

    Das Masterprogramm profitiert von seiner engen Kooperation mit der Stadt Wien. Mit ihrer politisch-administrativen Erfahrung in der Daseinsvorsorge und im City Management stellt Wien ein role model für viele Metropolen und Ballungsräume dar und ist wichtige Wissensträgerin.

    Wir legen großes Augenmerk darauf, Ihnen interkulturelles Wissen ebenso wie digitale Kompetenzen, insbesondere in den Bereichen E-Governance und E-Diplomacy, zu vermitteln. Dies nützt Ihnen in der City-Diplomacy (Städte-Diplomatie) als internationalem Instrument der lokalen urbanen Verwaltung, mit dem Ziel, ein prosperierendes und nachhaltiges Umfeld zu schaffen.

    Das Studium eröffnet Ihnen neue Perspektiven für europäische bzw. internationale Governance und für die Vernetzung von regionalen und internationalen Institutionen, etwa durch eine Studienreise zu EU-Institutionen in Brüssel und zu internationalen Organisationen in Wien.

    Sie möchten Ihre Berufserfahrung erweitern? Optional können Sie ein Berufspraktikum bei einer internationalen Organisation in oder außerhalb von Wien oder bei kommunalen Abteilungen der Stadt Wien absolvieren.

    Grundlegende politik- und rechtswissenschaftlichen Kenntnisse wie Internationales Recht, Akteur*innen des internationalen Systems, International Politics etc. verknüpfen Sie mit praxisbezogenen Elementen wie Leadership, E-Diplomacy oder E-Governance um Herausforderungen in einem politischen oder politnahen Bereich zu managen. Auf dieser Basis formulieren Sie nachhaltige Lösungen für ein urbanes Umfeld, insbesondere in einem europäischen Kontext.

    Sie lernen, urbane Lebensräume politisch-administrativ zu steuern. Dies bedeutet vor allem, Handlungsfähigkeit auf Basis von kybernetischen Analyse- und Steuerungsmodellen zu erlangen.

    Um Fragen der öffentlichen Ordnung zu analysieren, zu bewerten und mit einer Vielzahl an politischen Entscheidungsträger*innen und Interessensvertretungen kreative Lösungen für die Ballungsräume zu entwerfen, entwickeln sie Ihre Problemlösungskapazitäten weiter.


    Modul LO1MGO1 European and International Governance

    LO1MGO1 European and International Governance

    2.5 SWS   7 ECTS


    • After completing the module, students are able to (1) identify and handle major changes and continuities in European and international governance

    • (2) apply the knowledge of international organizations and to evaluate the shortcomings of institutional design and multilateral agreements

    • (3) understand the functioning of City Diplomacy

    • (4) translate the basic principales of International Law into their daily worklife


    : Written Exam

    2.5 SWS
    7 ECTS
    MG01C4 Introduction to International Law | ILV

    MG01C4 Introduction to International Law | ILV

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    • Approaching modern IL, its history and structure, the key principles and the main sources of IL
    • Peace and Security in the UN  system (collective security, the functioning of the UN Security Council, UN peacekeeping operations), case studies
    • The peaceful settlement of international disputes (negotiations, good offices,mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement)
    • The International Court of Justice (ICJ) and other international tribunals
    • Refugee Law, the legal aspects of the migration crisis
    • International Humanitarian Law
    • Regional frameworks of multilateral cooperation (e.g. EU, Council of Europe, NATO, OSCE)


    • Relate the legal aspects of the international system to concrete issues of global concern (e.g.the migration crisis, the climate change, the global health crisis (Covid))

    • Analyze current international issues in a structured and orderly way

    • Ascertain and discuss the key legal points at issue


    Lecture with activating methods, discussion




    International Law Documents, 13th Edition edited by Malcom D. Evans, Oxford University Press, 2017

    Akehurst’ s Modern Introduction to IL, 8th Ed., Routledge

    UN official website and additional internet sources as appropriate



    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS
    MGO1C1 Introduction to the European Union | ILV

    MGO1C1 Introduction to the European Union | ILV

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    • Historical development of the EU
    • Legal basis (treaties)
    • EU institutions
    • European and national law
    • EU budget and multi-annual financial framework



    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to - understand the historical development and political aim of the European integration process

    • - know the main institutions, its roles in policy development and the legislative process

    • - make use of the most important integration theories to follow the current discussions on the future of the EU


    Blended learning: self-study of given literature, lecture and discussion to deepen and apply the subject matter


    Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: Written Exam


    Fontaine P. (2015). Europe in 12 Lectures. European Commission, Brussels (https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/2d85274b-0093-4e38-896a-12518d629057)

    Krastev I. (2017). After Europe, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press

    Van Middelaar L. (2013), The Passage to Europe. How a Continent Became a Union, Yale University Press




    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS
    MGO1C2 International Governance and Institutions | ILV

    MGO1C2 International Governance and Institutions | ILV

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    • Foundations of International Relations and the Global System of States
    • Theories of International Relations and the Role of Law and Organizations
    • The Landscape of International Governance and Institutions
    • Contemporary Challenges and Global Crisis (Global Financial Crisis and COVID-19) and the Future of International Relations
    • Role of Civil Society


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to - Understand the development of the international system and contemporary debates in international relations

    • - Identify the foundations and theories of international relations and International Law

    • - Compare the most important international organizations and other institutions within the global governance system and their legal and political impact

    • - Examine processes of cooperation, competition and convergence among international institutions and their impact on national, regional and non-state actors


    Lecture with activating methods; discussion and students’ presentations




    Dunne T., Kurki M., Smith S. (2016). International Relations Theories, Oxford.

    Oates, J. (2020). Constituent Power and the Legitimacy of International Organizations: The Constitution of Supranationalism, Routledge.

    Reus-Smit, C. and D. Snidal (2010). The Oxford Handbook of International Relations, Oxford.

    Rixen T., Viola L., and M. Zürn (2016). Historical Institutionalism and International Relations: Explaining Institutional Development in World Politics, Oxford.

    Slaughter S. (2019). The Power of G20, Routledge.




    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS
    MGO1C3 City Diplomacy | ILV

    MGO1C3 City Diplomacy | ILV

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    • International Organizations and Cities & Regions: the role of UN Habitat, OECD, EU
    • The State of World Cities and international developments
    • City Diplomacy – the Role of Cities & Regions in International Relations
    • Multilayered Diplomacy of Cities & Regions 
    • City Diplomacy and Civil Society


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to - Understand the importance of (global) cities for world politics

    • - Develop strategic diplomatic positioning for Cities & Regions for core contemporary challenges

    • - Identify international institutions supporting the interests of Cities & Regions

    • - Assess the diplomatic connections between cities and global governance

    • - Identify diplomatic tools of Cities & Regions in the European and International Environment


    Lecture with activating methods, discussion and students’ presentations




    Acuto M. (2013). Global Cities, Governance and Diplomacy: The Urban Link, Taylor&Francis. 

    Andranovich, G.  (2001). ‘Olympic Cities: Lessons Learned from Mega-Event Politics’, Journal of Urban Studies, vol. 23.

    Keating M. (1999). ‚Regions and International Affairs: Motives, Opportunities, Strategies’, in Aldecoa F. and Keating M., Paradiplomacy in Action: The Foreign Relations of Subnational Governments, Frank Cass.

    Van der Pluijm R. (2007). City Diplomacy: The Expanding Role of Cities in International Politics, Clingendael.

    Wang J. (2006). ‘Localising Public Diplomacy: The Role of Sub-National Actors in Nation Branding’, Place Branding, Vol. 2.




    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS
    MGO1C5 Fireside Chats/Public Lectures on Current Topics | UE

    MGO1C5 Fireside Chats/Public Lectures on Current Topics | UE

    0.5 SWS   3 ECTS


    The content of the lectures and talks is related to urban policy and international affairs.


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to (1) identify current issues

    • (2) (2) critically analyze topics related to urban policy and international relations


    Lecture with activating methods and discussion




    Literature selected by invited speakers.



    0.5 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Modul LO1MGO2 Governance of Public Services of General (Economic) Interest

    LO1MGO2 Governance of Public Services of General (Economic) Interest

    2 SWS   5 ECTS


    • After completing the module, students are able to (1) evaluate economic policies

    • (2) critically compare the role of public sector and private sector

    • (3) contextualize international benchmarks and identify local distinctions


    : Written Exam

    2 SWS
    5 ECTS
    MGO2C1 Socioeconomic Theories | ILV

    MGO2C1 Socioeconomic Theories | ILV

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    The students are, after finishing the course, able to

    • Identify major theories and trends in socio-economic thought
    • Assess the impact of the Austrian school at international level
    • Theorize pros and cons of public infrastructure ownership (like health care, transport, water management, etc.) and public sector based provision of services of general (economic) interest (public utilities, etc.)
    • Theorize the pros and cons of market based provision of services of general interest 
    • Assess relevant contexts for innovative and effective procurement/forms of cooperation


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to - Identify major theories and trends in socio-economic thought

    • - Assess the impact of the Austrian school at international level

    • - Theorize pros and cons of public infrastructure ownership (like health care, transport, water management, etc.) and public sector based provision of services of general (economic) interest (public utilities, etc.)

    • - Theorize the pros and cons of market based provision of services of general interest


    Lecture with activating methods and discussion




    Roncaglia, A. (2017). A Brief History of Economic Thought, Cambridge University Press.

    Cubeddu, R. (2015). The Philosophy of the Austrian School, Routledge.

    Polanyi, K (1944).The Great Transformation, Farrar & Rinehart.

    Hayek (1944). The Road to Serfdom, Routledge.

    Mowbray, Martin (2011): What became of The Local State? Neo-liberalism, community development and local government, in: Community Development Journal, 2011, Vol. 46(suppl1), pp i132-153



    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    MGO2C2 Legal Framework of SGI/SGEIs in the European Union | UE

    MGO2C2 Legal Framework of SGI/SGEIs in the European Union | UE

    0.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    • Essentials of EU procurement law and EU state aid law
    • Interplays with EU competition law
    • Disambiguation of Terminologies: SGIs/SGEIs
    • Legal Contextualization of SGIs/SGEIs as a concept
    • Remunicipalization from a legal point of view and relevant jurisdiction


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to - assess likelihood of compliance of local policies with EU state aid and procurement law

    • - identify legal guardrails for governance of SGI/SGEIs in the EU

    • - monitor ongoing politics and policy initiatives at the European level

    • - compare domestic frameworks and practice in due consideration of EU legal frameworks


    Lecture with activating methods and discussion




    Sánchez Graells, Albert (2015): Public procurement and the EU competition rules.

    Szyszczak, Erika (2014): Services of General Economic Interest and State Measures Affecting Competition, in: Journal of European Competition Law & Practice, 2014, Vol. 5(7), pp 508-518.

    Szyszczak, Erika M. [Editor] (2013): Financing services of general economic interest: reform and modernization. The Hague: Asser Press.

    MacDonald, David et al. (2019): The New Water Wars. Struggles for Remunicipalisation, in: Water Alternatives, Vol 12, June 2019, pp 322-333.

    Cumbers, Andrew; Becker, Sören (2018): Making sense of remunicipalisation: theoretical reflections on and political possibilities from Germany’s Rekommunalisierung process, in: Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 2018, Vol. 11(3), pp.503-517

    Pidd, Michael (2012) Measuring the performance of public services : principles and practice, Cambridge University Press,

    Ferry Laurence, Saliterer Iris, Steccolini Ileana, Tucker Basil (2019): The Research-Practice Gap on Accounting in the Public Services: An International Analysis, Palgrave



    0.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    MGO2C3 Management of SGI/SGEIs. Case Studies | UE

    MGO2C3 Management of SGI/SGEIs. Case Studies | UE

    0.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    • European Case Studies
    • Outcome Assessment
    • Learnings and Conclusions  


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to - Analyze cases and municipal approaches with regards to relevant local and legal contexts

    • - Identify pros and cons of municipal provision of SGEIs

    • - Explore win-win options of collaboration between the public and private sector


    Lecture with activating methods and discussion




    Priemus, Hugo (1995): How to abolish social housing? The Dutch case International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, March 1995, Vol.19(1), pp145-155

    Kádár Horváth, Ágnes (2016): Assessment of Competition in EU Liberalised Energy Markets in 2016, Theory, Methodology, Practice, 2017, Vol.13(2), pp35-44

    Gialis, Stelios et al. (2011): Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Facts on Water Sector Privatization: The Greek Case Against European and Global Trends, in: Water Resources Management, Apr 2011, Vol.25(6), pp.1699-1719

    Poliak, Milos et al. (2017): FINANCING PUBLIC TRANSPORT SERVICES FROM PUBLIC FUNDS. (Report), in: Transport Problems, 2017, Vol.12(4), p.61 (12).

    Koprić Ivan, Wollmann Hellmut, Marcou Gérard (eds.) (2018) Evaluating Reforms of Local Public and Social Services in Europe: More Evidence for Better Results, Palgrave Macmillan



    0.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Modul LO2MML1 Political Management

    LO2MML1 Political Management

    2.5 SWS   6 ECTS


    • After completing the module, students are able to (1) apply the theory of cybernetics and complex systems in the NPO, governmental and private sector

    • (2) apply management and leadership skills for future leaders of municipal, governmental and international organizations

    • (3) perform innovative methods of strategic management and negotiation techniques, including leadership principles in an independent and professional manner


    : Written Exam

    2.5 SWS
    6 ECTS
    MML1C1 Management of Complex Systems | ILV

    MML1C1 Management of Complex Systems | ILV

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    • Dealing with complexity and complex systems
    • Principles of management cybernetics
    • Principles of organizational cybernetics



    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to - understand and identify the most important issues of complex systems

    • - use the most important theoretical approaches to analyze organizations

    • - apply the Viable Systems Model to different political and municipal systems


    Lecture with activating methods, Group work, Presentation, Discussion




    Espejo, Raul, Reyes, Alfonso (2011). Organizational Systems: Managing Complexity with the Viable System Model, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer

    Adams, M. J., Tenney, Y. J., & Pew, R. W. (2017). Situation awareness and the cognitive management of complex systems. In Situational Awareness (pp. 43-62). Routledge.

    Voronin, A. (Ed.). (2017). Multi-Criteria Decision Making for the Management of Complex Systems. IGI Global.



    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS
    MML1C2 Organization Theories - Useful Methods and Techniques in Political and Municipal Contexts | ILV

    MML1C2 Organization Theories - Useful Methods and Techniques in Political and Municipal Contexts | ILV

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    • Organization theories - systems theory and constructivism
    • A systemic approach to organizations and individuals
    • Geographical and cultural impacts on organizational issues
    • Differences of organizational cultures in political and municipal contexts from an intercultural perspective


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to - demonstrate the principles of basic organization theories, systems theory and constructivism

    • - apply the system theory and a systematic approach to their own organization

    • - analyze the geographical and cultural aspects of organization theory in international organizations

    • - evaluate organizational culture aspects and to identify levers for cultural change


    Lecture with activating methods, Group work, Presentation, Discussion




    Pryor, M. G., Humphreys, J. H., Taneja, S., & Toombs, L. A. (2011). Where are the new organization theories? Evolution, development and theoretical debate. International Journal of Management, 28(3), 959.

    Shafritz, J. M., Ott, J. S., & Jang, Y. S. (2015). Classics of organization theory. Cengage Learning



    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS
    MML1C3 Transformation Management / Evolving Resilience and Cooperation | ILV

    MML1C3 Transformation Management / Evolving Resilience and Cooperation | ILV

    0.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    • Resilience of organizations and individuals with focus on political and municipal contexts
    • Principles of learning organizations
    • Theory of transformation
    • Effective change and transformation processes with focus on political and municipal contexts


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to - identify and analyze the characteristics of resilience in organizations

    • - apply the theory of transformation to specific organizations

    • - design a transformation process in organizations to improve cooperation and resilience effectively

    • - identify and overcome obstacles in transformation processes by utilizing efficient tools


    Lecture with activating methods, Group work, Presentation, Discussion




    Lessem, R., & Schieffer, A. (2016). Transformation management: Towards the integral enterprise. CRC Press.

    Uhl, A., & Gollenia, L. A. (Eds.). (2016). A handbook of business transformation management methodology. Routledge.

    Uhl, A., & Gollenia, L. A. (2016). Transformation Management Survey: Current State of Development and Potential of Transformation Management in Practice. In Business Transformation Essentials (pp. 29-40). Routledge.



    0.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    MML1C4 Stakeholder Management in Political and Municipal Contexts | ILV

    MML1C4 Stakeholder Management in Political and Municipal Contexts | ILV

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    • Theory of stakeholder approach
    • Stakeholder management as integral part of managerial and leadership work
    • Tools for stakeholder management in the NPO, governmental and private sector
    • Stakeholder management in the NPO, governmental and private sector - case studies


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to - apply the theory of stakeholder approach to the needs of specific organizations

    • - identify and classify the relevant stakeholders in political and municipal contexts

    • - identify, classify and manage divergent demands of stakeholders in political and municipal contexts

    • - design and implement stakeholder management in the NPO, governmental and private sector


    Lecture with activating methods, Group work, Presentation, Discussion




    Johnson-Cramer, M. E., Berman, S. L., & Post, J. E. (2017). Re-examining the concept of ‘stakeholder management’. In Unfolding Stakeholder Thinking 2 (pp. 145-161). Routledge.

    Huemann, M., Eskerod, P., & Ringhofer, C. (2016). Rethink!: Project Stakeholder Management. Project Management Institute



    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS
    MML1C5 Strategic Project and Risk Management - Integrated Elements of Political and Municipal Management | ILV

    MML1C5 Strategic Project and Risk Management - Integrated Elements of Political and Municipal Management | ILV

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    • Theory of stakeholder approach
    • Stakeholder management as integral part of managerial and leadership work
    • Tools for stakeholder management in the NPO, governmental and private sector
    • Stakeholder management in the NPO, governmental and private sector - case studies


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to - apply the theory of stakeholder approach to the needs of specific organizations

    • - identify and classify the relevant stakeholders in political and municipal contexts

    • - identify, classify and manage divergent demands of stakeholders in political and municipal contexts

    • - design and implement stakeholder management in the NPO, governmental and private sector


    Lecture with activating methods, Group work, Presentation, Discussion




    Johnson-Cramer, M. E., Berman, S. L., & Post, J. E. (2017). Re-examining the concept of ‘stakeholder management’. In Unfolding Stakeholder Thinking 2 (pp. 145-161). Routledge.

    Huemann, M., Eskerod, P., & Ringhofer, C. (2016). Rethink!: Project Stakeholder Management. Project Management Institute.



    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Modul LO4MCO1 Digital Competences

    LO4MCO1 Digital Competences

    1.5 SWS   4 ECTS


    • After completing the module, students are able to (1) use social media and the language of diplomacy effectively in international political communication

    • (2) acquire the basic principles and tools of Digital Humanism


    : Written Exam

    1.5 SWS
    4 ECTS
    MCO1C1 Digital Communication and E-Diplomacy | ILV

    MCO1C1 Digital Communication and E-Diplomacy | ILV

    1 SWS   2.5 ECTS


    • Institutions & Organizations: Keeping in touch with supporters, members, employees or customers with the aim of activating them for actions if necessary
    • Ladder of Engagement Model
    • Ways and means of establishing contact with target groups
    • Methodical accesses for platform-independent use
    • Adaptation and optimization of messages for the respective channels and target groups
    • E-Diplomacy



    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to - Use their deeper understanding of how organizations can be improved with digital channels and social networks to build up existing and new relationships for their employers

    • - Start, manage and participate as part of digital diplomacy for their employers

    • - Fill the role of community manger and activate target groups for their employer in an ethical way

    • - Recognize communication levers and apply them on digital channels especially social media


    Lecture with activating methods, discussion




    Turkle, S. : Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age (2016)
    Nussbaumer Knaflic, C.: Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals (2015)
    Jones, P.: Exactly What to Say: The Magic Words for Influence and Impact (2018)
    Reshetnikova, L. : E-Diplomacy as Instrument for Establishment of Interethnic Relations. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 50, p. 01144) (2018).




    1 SWS
    2.5 ECTS
    MCO1C2 Digital Humanism - Actors, Spaces, Practices | ILV

    MCO1C2 Digital Humanism - Actors, Spaces, Practices | ILV

    0.5 SWS   1.5 ECTS


    • Definitions: Aspects of the digital ecosystem
    • Digital spaces: Nation state,  international space and interconnected models
    • Digital actors: Characteristics, examples, differences
    • Digital Practices: Digital Literacy, Digital Divide, Digital Economy, Digital Education, eDemocracy, Privacy, Security, Surveillance Studies, Net Politics, Digital Commons, Public and Private Spaces, Sustainability of Digital Ecosystem
    • Topics and Peculiarities of the Digital Ecosystem: Liquid Democracy, Right to be forgotten, Deep Web, Internet of Things, Permanent Change et al.
    • Practical aspects


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to - Identify and integrate humanistic aspects of digital topics in the formulation of solutions in their area of occupation

    • - Classify different digital actors and devise individualised business solutions

    • - Evaluate critically aspects of digital life and business and recommend best practices for customized solutions


    Lecture with activating methods, discussion




    Ashmarina, S.I. et al. (2019): Digital Age: Chances, Challenges and Future. Berlin: Springer.
    Berridge, G.R. (2015): Diplomacy: Theory and practice, 5th ed. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Mayer, K. et al. (2019): Akteure, Instrumente und Themen für eine Digital Humanism Initiative in Wien. Wien: Stadt Wien



    0.5 SWS
    1.5 ECTS
    Modul LO4MCO2 Dialogue Competences

    LO4MCO2 Dialogue Competences

    2 SWS   4 ECTS


    • After completing the module, students are able to (1) apply the basic principles of Social Marketing and Political Marketing

    • (2) acquire intercultural knowledge in order to apply it in a multicultural environment

    2 SWS
    4 ECTS
    MCO2C1 Political and Social Marketing | ILV

    MCO2C1 Political and Social Marketing | ILV

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    • Introduction to political marketing
    • Market research and psychographics
    • Political strategy I: USP in politics
    • Political Strategy II: Strategic thinking and resource-based decision-making
    • Political Marketing Communication I (psychology of communication, staying in touch with voters)
    • Political Marketing Communication II (special issue: message control, spin doctoring, crisis communication)
    • The ethics of political marketing
    • Social Marketing I: Principles, Concepts, Strategies and Tactics



    • • Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of the fundamental theories and key concepts of political and social marketing

    • • Explain how state-of-the-art marketing strategies and tools are used in the political environment

    • • Apply political marketing and social marketing strategies and tactics to analyze, plan, and communicate effectively


    Interactive lectures with discussions, group activities, case studies (e.g., campaigns, elections, social marketing campaigns), individual tasks and exercises (e.g., press releases), simulations (crisis communication press briefing




    Political Marketing  

    Cwalina, W., Falkowski, A., Newman, B. I. (2011). Political marketing: Theoretical and strategic foundations. London and New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. 

    Lees-Marshment, J., Conley, B., Elder, E., Pettitt, R., Raynauld, V., Turcotte, A. (2019). Political Marketing: Principles and applications. 3rd Ed. New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.  


    Social Marketing  

    Lee, N. R., Kotler, P. (2016). Social Marketing: Changing Behaviors for Good. 5.th ed. Los Angeles: SAGE.

    French J, Gordon R. Strategic Social Marketing London: Sage; 2015.

    Hastings D, Angus K, Bryant C. The SAGE Handbook of Social Marketing. London: SAGE Publications; 2010



    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS
    MCO2C2 Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue | ILV

    MCO2C2 Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue | ILV

    1.5 SWS   3 ECTS


    • Multicultural, intercultural, cross-cultural, glocal: definitions, historical background, relevance for Central and (South) Eastern Europe. Inner Orientalism and self-colonization
    • Urbanity as Western concept? Variations of the urban ethos according to cultural and historic factors
    • Public and private space: definitions, characteristics, classification, cultural variety.
    • Social practices of producing and using urban space. Classical theories and their limits (e.g. strolling)
    • Intercultural and interreligious agenda for cities. Urban policy approaches to diversity
    • Creative industries of minority ethnic groups  and ethnical economies
    • Planning intercultural and interreglious neighborhoods
    • Dialogue and divergence in lieux de mémoire (public monuments and public squares)
    • Interreligious dimensions



    • - Students become acquainted with relevant research and theoretical models in the field of intercultural and interreligious dialogue

    • - Students are well equipped to argue for overcoming prejudices, to combat discrimination and initiate a constructive dialogue between urban dwellers with a different cultural background

    • - Students learn to identify and promote practices and policies that encourage understanding and mutual respect between different cultures and ethnic groups


    Lecture with activating methods, discussion




    Appadurai, Arjun (2000): Modernity at Large. Cultural Dimensions of Globalization. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

    Landry, Charles (2019): Advanced introduction to the creative city. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publications.

    Lefebvre, Henri (2009): The Production of Space. Malden (Mass): Blackwell.

    Vertovec, Stephen, Robin Cohen (2002): Conceiving Cosmopolitanism: theory, context, and practice. Oxford: Oxford UP.

    Wood, Phil (Ed.) (2009): Intercultural Cities. Towards a Model for Intercultural Integration. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.

    Twiss, S. B. (2018). Explorations in global ethics: Comparative religious ethics and interreligious dialogue. Routledge.



    1.5 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Modul LO6MAR1 Methodology and Scientific Working Skills

    LO6MAR1 Methodology and Scientific Working Skills

    2 SWS   4 ECTS


    • After completing the module, students are able to (1) write different types of scientific papers

    • (2) explain and apply different methodological approaches in social sciences

    2 SWS
    4 ECTS
    MAR1C1 Scientific Working Skills and Writing | UE

    MAR1C1 Scientific Working Skills and Writing | UE

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    • Introduction to scientific rules, work and writing
    • Introduction to different types of scientific texts


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to - apply the basic rules and techniques of scientific work

    • - create different types of scientific texts such as essay, article, scientific paper, glossary, excerpt, and abstract


    Writing an excerpt and an scientific article[KE1] ; reviewing a scientific article



    Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: Paper


    Baglione, L.A. (2016): Writing a Research Paper in Political Science. A Practical Guide to Inquiry, Structure, and Methods, Los Angeles: Sage

    Bailey, S. (2011): Academic Writing A Handbook for International Students, London-New York: Routledge



    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    MAR1C2 Methodology | UE

    MAR1C2 Methodology | UE

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    • Introduction to social research strategies
    • Methodological research approaches (qualitative and quantitative)


    • The students are, after finishing the course, are aware of - the basic concepts of social research

    • - the methodology of survey methods


    Lecture with activating methods, discussion


    Endprüfung: Paper


    Matthews, B. & Ross, L. (2010) Research Methods. A practical guide for the social sciences, Essex: Pearson

    Pennings,P, Keman,H. & Kleinnijenhuis,J. ( 2006)- Doing Research in Political Science, London: Sage



    1 SWS
    2 ECTS

    Modul LO1MGO3 Good, Urban, Economic and E-Governance

    LO1MGO3 Good, Urban, Economic and E-Governance

    4.5 SWS   10 ECTS


    • After completing the module, students are able to (1) make use and apply effectively the basic principles of good governance (e.g. anti-corruption measures, rule of law, human rights, SDGs etc.)

    • (2) evaluate and distinguish different forms of international economic actors and its functioning


    : Written Exam

    4.5 SWS
    10 ECTS
    MGO3C1 Good and E-Governance | ILV

    MGO3C1 Good and E-Governance | ILV

    2 SWS   4 ECTS


    • Creation, development, and impact of the concept of 'good governance'
    • Rule of law and democracy
    • Anti-Corruption
    • SDGs and Good Governance
    • Good governance and ethics: business ethics, ethical standards in government, professional ethics
    • E-Governance


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to - identify and describe the main principles of good governance

    • - apply the main provisions of E-governance in the public service


    Lecture with activating methods and discussion




    Addink, H. (2019): Good Governance: Concept and Context, Oxford University Press

    Grindle, Merilee S. 2004. “Good Enough Governance: Poverty Reduction and Reform in Developing Countries.” Governance 17 (4) (October 1): 525–548.

    UN documents on Good Governance

    Homburg, V.(2019). "ICT, e-Government and e-Governance: Bits & bytes for public administration." The Palgrave Handbook of Public Administration and Management in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, London:. 347-361.



    2 SWS
    4 ECTS
    MGO3C2 International Political Economy and Governance | ILV

    MGO3C2 International Political Economy and Governance | ILV

    0.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    • Basic Elements of International Trade Theory, Policies and International Money
    • Global Governance in International Economics – the importance of G7, G20, IMF, World Bank and emerging institutions in Asia
    • The Role of Multinational Enterprises in International Political Economy
    • States, Regionals and Markets in the World Economy in the Era of Digitalization and (post-)Era of Globalization


    • - Identify the influence of markets on politics and the influence of policy on markets.

    • - Examine causes and consequences of financial and economic crisis with a special focus on the recent Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and the Covid-19-crisis.

    • - Assess risks, challenges and opportunities for national, regional and local markets in the context of Digitalization and Globalization.


    Lecture with activating methods, discussion and students’ presentations




    Frieden J., Lake D., and Lawrence J. B. (2010). International Political Economy, W.W. Norton.

    Gilpin R. (2001). Global Political Economy: understanding the international economic order, Princeton University Press.

    Herdegen M. (2016). Principles of International Economic Law, Oxford.

    Oatley T. (2012).  International Political Economy: interest and institutions in the global economy, Pearson Longman



    0.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    MGO3C3 Policy Analysis and Governance of City Transformation | ILV

    MGO3C3 Policy Analysis and Governance of City Transformation | ILV

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    Cities as Organizations: Interplay of Strategy and Structure, Smart City Governance and Stakeholder Management, New Ways of Collaboration and Impact

    Promoters of Change: The Role of Project Champions, Promoters, Innovation Brokers & Change Agents and Opinion Leaders in Urban Context

    A Critical Review of the Smart City Terminology

    Strategies for City Transformation. Smart City Vienna Framework in Comparison with International Benchmarks

    Measuring & Monitoring Progress: Metrics, Indicators, Rankings 

    Innovative Financing (Guest Speaker)


    • Students understand potentials and pitfalls of holistic City transformation processes and identify new strategic options their area of occupation

    • Students classify diverse policy frameworks and Smart City approaches and are able to compare international benchmarks critically

    • Students are able to re-assess their domestic frameworks (policies and strategies) critically as a prerequisite to identify innovative courses of action


    Lectureswith interactive formats, group works,  break-out sessions and discussion


    Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung


    Rodríguez-Bolívar, Manuel Pedro (2015): Transforming City Governments for Successful Smart Cities, Springer.

    Longo, Francesco (2012): Strategic change management in the public sector. An EFMD European case book

    Schein, Edgar H. (1996): Three Cultures of Management. The Key to Organizational Learning, Sloan Management Review, Fall 1996.

    Felin, T, Zenger. T (2014): Closed or Open Innovation: Problem Solving and the Governance Choice. Research Policy 43 (5).

    Rogers, Everett (2003): Diffusion of Innovation. 5th Edition. Chapter 9 The Change Agent, pp 365 – 402.

    Glasmeier, Amy, Christopherson, Susan (2015): Thinking about Smart Cities, in: Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, No 8, p. 3-12.

    Pereira, Gabriela Viale et al. (2018): Smart Governance in the Context of Smart Cities. A Literature Review, in: Information Polity 23(2) May.  

    Albino, Vito et al. (2015): Smart Cities: Definitions, Dimensions, Performance, and Initiatives, in: Journal of Urban Technology. 

    City of Vienna (2019): Smart City Framework Strategy. 2019-2050

    City of Vienna (2017): Smart City Monitoring Report



    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    MGO3C4 Smart Project-Management Innovation Toolbox | ILV

    MGO3C4 Smart Project-Management Innovation Toolbox | ILV

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    Reducing Complexity via Smart Project Management: 

       Assessment –Selection – Implementation – Scalability

       The Interplay of Digitization, Social and Ecological Sustainability

       Science and Technology Assessment for a Sustainable Urbanization

    The Role of the Citizen:

       Introduction to Diffusion Research – How Innovation spreads

       The Concept of Preventive Innovation

       Citizen Empowerment. Participation, Co-Creation and the Crowd in City Transformation (Guest Speaker)


    • Students analyze megatrends and underlying challenges as context matters

    • Students evaluate project proposals holistically and anticipate use cases and business cases

    • Students understand basic challenges and pitfalls of technology assessment in urban contexts


    Lectures with interactive formats, group works,  break-out sessions and discussion




    Tharp, J. (2012). Project management and global sustainability. Paper presented at PMI® Global Congress 2012—EMEA, Marseilles, France. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute.

    TWI 2050 - The World in 2050 (2019): The Digital Revolution and Sustainable Development: Opportunities and Challenges. Report prepared by The World in 2050 initiative. International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria.

    UNCTAD (2014): Science and Technology for Sustainable Urbanization. Current Studies on Science, Technology and Innovation Nº10

    Smith, Ben (2018): The Smart Enough City, MIT Press.



    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Modul LO2MML2 Leadership

    LO2MML2 Leadership

    1.5 SWS   6 ECTS


    • (1) lead teams, lead and structure organizations in the NPO, governmental and private sector

    • (2) classify and apply tools of digitalization and digital organizations in teams or organizations

    • (3) apply the High Reliability Organizations Theory to the needs of NPO, governmental and private sector


    : Written Exam

    1.5 SWS
    6 ECTS
    MML2C1 Digital Leadership | ILV

    MML2C1 Digital Leadership | ILV

    0.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    • Drivers of the digital revolution
    • VUCA Environment
    • Changes in expectations of leadership
    • Characteristics of digital leadership
    • Leadership approaches and tools in the digital economy
    • Threat landscape of cyber crime
    • Cyber Security Management


    • - identify the drivers of the digital revolution

    • - identify potential risks of digitalization and manage cyber risks in cooperation with responsible IT departments

    • - work with dislocated and intercultural teams using digital possibilities


    Lecture with activating methods, discussion




    Kreutzer, Ralf; Neugebauer, Tim; Pattloch, Annette: Digital Business Leadership: Digital Transformation, Business Model Innovation, Agile Organization, Change Management, 2018, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag

    Sheninger, Eric: Digital Leadership: Changing Paradigms for Changing Times, 2. Edition 2019, SAGE Publications Inc.

    Mukherjee, Amit: Leading in the Digital World: How to Foster Creativity, Collaboration, and Inclusivity, 2020, The MIT Press



    0.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    MML2C2 High Reliability Organizations | ILV

    MML2C2 High Reliability Organizations | ILV

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    • Principles of High Reliability Organizations Theory
    • Commonalities of High Reliability Organizations and political work, municipal, NPO or private organizations
    • Case study: Useful methods and tools of High Reliability Organizations for the political and municipal contexts
    • Military decision-making process and issue of orders
    • Communication skills of High Reliability Organizations, e.g. negotiation skills in hostile environments


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to - apply the High Reliability Organizations Theory to the needs of NPO, governmental and private sector

    • - identify the commonalities of organizations to High Reliability Organizations

    • - outline and represent the benefits of certain tools and methods to decision-makers in political and municipal organizations


    Lecture with activating methods, Group work, Presentation, Discussion




    Weick, Karl E.; Sutcliffe Kathleen M.: Managing the Unexpected: Resilient Performance in an Age of Uncertainty, 2. Edition 2007, Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Son



    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS
    MML2C3 Fireside Chats/Public Lectures on Current Topics | UE

    MML2C3 Fireside Chats/Public Lectures on Current Topics | UE

    0.5 SWS   3 ECTS


    The content of the lectures and talks is related to urban policy and international affairs.


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to (1) identify current issues

    • (2) critically analyze topics related to urban policy and international relations


    Lecture with activating methods and discussion




    Literature provided by speakers.



    0.5 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Modul LO4MCO3 Negotiation Competences

    LO4MCO3 Negotiation Competences

    2.5 SWS   7 ECTS


    • After completing the module, students are able to (1) prepare, apply and carry out negotiation processes

    • (2) take regional particularities into account in the international negotiation processes


    : Module Exam

    2.5 SWS
    7 ECTS
    MCO3C1 Introduction to Negotiation Skills | ILV

    MCO3C1 Introduction to Negotiation Skills | ILV

    1 SWS   3 ECTS


    • Negotiation Strategies
    • Conflict Resolution
    • Non-Verbal Communication


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to - Manage basic negotiating concepts

    • - Use the negotiating process to solve work-related problems

    • - Apply the best practice model to develop an effective negotiating style


    Lecture with activating methods, discussion




    Lewicki Roy J., Barry Bruce, David M. Saunders (2016). Essentials of Negotiation, McGraw-Hill Education.

    Saunders, D., Barry, B. (2015). Negotiation: Readings, Exercises, and Cases, McGraw-Hill Education

    Kavett Hyman (2010). Who Built the Seven Gates of Thebes? A Call to Personalize Social Studies, The Social Studies, Volume 81



    1 SWS
    3 ECTS
    MCO3C2 International Negotiation Skills | ILV

    MCO3C2 International Negotiation Skills | ILV

    1.5 SWS   4 ECTS


    • The dynamics of international negotiations and mediations
    • Skills to prepare for negotiations in a range of settings
    • Explaining specific cases of negotiations


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to - Apply the dynamics of international negotiations and mediations

    • - Acquire a deep knowledge of the current theoretical debates in the field

    • - Acquire practical skills of negotiations and mediation


    Lecture with activating methods, discussion




    Galluccio, Mauro (eds.) (2015) Handbook of International Negotiation: Interpersonal, Intercultural, and Diplomatic Perspectives, Springer

    Aggestam, Karin, Ann E. Towns (eds.) (2018).Gendering Diplomacy and International Negotiation, Palgrave Macmillan



    1.5 SWS
    4 ECTS
    Modul LO6MAR2 First Part Methods and Research in Social Sciences

    LO6MAR2 First Part Methods and Research in Social Sciences

    1 SWS   3 ECTS


    • After completing the module, students are able to (1) explain and apply different empirical methods in social sciences

    • (2) structure and plan a scientific research project on the basis of current social and political issues

    1 SWS
    3 ECTS
    MAR2C1 Empirical Social Research | ILV

    MAR2C1 Empirical Social Research | ILV

    1 SWS   3 ECTS


    • Introduction to qualitative methods
    • Introduction to quantitative methods
    • Practical exercises of both methods based on case studies


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to apply qualitative and quantitative methods in social science.


    Lecture with activating methods, case studies; blended learning


    Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung


    Lune, H. & Berg, B.L. (2017): Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences, London: Harlow

    Keman H.& Woldendorp, J.J. (Eds.) (2016): Handbook of Research Methods and Applications In Political Science, Cheltar: Cheltenham



    1 SWS
    3 ECTS
    1. Urban Policy
    Modul LO3MUP Urban Policy and Smart City Governance

    LO3MUP Urban Policy and Smart City Governance

    1.5 SWS   4 ECTS


    • Graduates successfully analyze different approaches and systems of urban policy and Smart City concepts

    • And they are able to apply their acquired knowledge to their domestic circumstances and working fields


    : Written Exam

    1.5 SWS
    4 ECTS
    MUPC1 Smart City Project Analytics. Case Studies | ILV

    MUPC1 Smart City Project Analytics. Case Studies | ILV

    0.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    Smart City Case Studies

       Future Urban Mobility, Energy Management, Construction/Housing, Circular Economy, Climate Adaption,

    Digital City Case Studies

       eGovernment, Internet of Things and AI, Blockchain, Value of Urban Data, OGD, Data Governance 

    Comparison of International Benchmarks

    Smart City Economics

    The Digital Economy and Local Value Added

    The Role of Startups and Scalability


    • Students analyze diverse case studies accurately

    • Students are aware of target conflicts and uncertainty

    • Students perform smart benefit-cost analysis considering social, economic and ecological values


    Lecture  with interactive formats, group works, break-out sessions and discussion




    Radecki, Alanus; Suska, Petr et al. (20187): Finance and Procurement for Smart Cities. Technical Report 4, Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO.

    Söderström, Ola; Paasche, Till and Klauser, Francisco (2014:): Smart cities as corporate storytelling, City, 18:3, pp 307-320.

    Kerr William; Nanda, Raman (2014): Financing Innovation. Working Paper 15-034. Harvard University and NBER.

    McKenna, Patricia H. (2018): Reconceptualizing social inclusion in the context of 21st century smart cities, in: Choudrie, J. et al. (2018): Social Inclusion and usability of ICT-enabled services, Chapter 3, Routledge.

    Zink, Trevor; Geyer, Roland (2016): There is no such thing as a Green Product, in. Stanford Social Innovation Review, Spring 2016.

    Möller, Jasmin et al. (2019): Sustainable City Logistics: Rebound Effects from Self-Driving Vehicles. Conference Paper, HICL Hamburg. International Benchmarks: Tbd



    0.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    MUPC2 Urban Infrastructure Revisited | ILV

    MUPC2 Urban Infrastructure Revisited | ILV

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    Energy Management

    Renewable Energy Generation

    Urban Mobility, Mobility as a Service, Public Transport Services 

    Innovation Management and Data Governance in Public Utilities

    Resilience and Security in Urban Infrastructure

    Business Models and Financial Management of Public Utilities


    • Students have basic insights on adjusting urban infrastructures to the 21st century

    • Students can assess the impact of digital transformation on urban infrastructure

    • Students are able to identify underlying potentials and challenges in the short and in the long term


    Lecture with interactive formats, group works, break-out sessions and discussion




    Cheltenham, Elgar et al. (2005): Public utilities: management challenges for the 21st century.

    Barns, Sarah (2018): Smart cities and urban data platforms: Designing interfaces for smart governance, in: City, Culture and Society, March 2018, Vol.12, pp 5-12

    Verboven, Hans; Vanherck, Lise (2016): The sustainability paradox of the sharing economy, in: uwf UmweltWirtschaftsForum, 2016, Vol.24(4), pp 303-314

    Schönberg, Tobias et al. (2019): Roland Berger Focus. Making Public Transport Self Sustainable. How public transit companies can operate more profitably with new technology, April 2019, pp 1-17



    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    2. International Affairs
    Modul LO3MIA International Relations in Comparative Perspective

    LO3MIA International Relations in Comparative Perspective

    1.5 SWS   4 ECTS


    • After completing the module, students are able to (1) apply a comparative perspective to international relations

    • (2) evaluate non-Western approaches in international affairs


    : Written Exam

    1.5 SWS
    4 ECTS
    MIAC1 World Affairs in Comparative Perspective | ILV

    MIAC1 World Affairs in Comparative Perspective | ILV

    0.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    • Interrelation between different selected regions (China and Asia, Middle East, the Americas)
    • Ethnic conflicts in comparative perspective
    • The emergence of new actors in world affairs (NGOs, Cities, etc.)
    • Climate change


    • Evaluate pros and cons of different institutional designs

    • Identify country-specific solutions and possible improvements

    • Analyze ethno/eurocentrism in a scholarly perspective


    Lectures, presentations




    Dallmayr, F. (2010). Comparative Political Theory, Palgrave Macmillan

    Rudolph, J. (2016). Politics and Ethnicity: A Comparative Study, Palgrave Macmillan



    0.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    MIAC2 Introduction to EU Policies | ILV

    MIAC2 Introduction to EU Policies | ILV

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    • Internal market policy
    • Competition and state aid policy
    • Green deal
    • Innovation and research policy
    • Structural and Cohesion policy
    • Common Foreign and Security policy


    • The students are, after finishing the course, have - a broad overview on the main EU policy areas, with a particular emphasis on policies in the centre of master course (Common Foreign and Security Policy; Regional and Urban Policy)

    • - understand the main aims and (legal) instruments of the particular policy areas

    • - identify the key challenges of these policies

    • - build upon this understanding for other courses dealing with issues of EU foreign and security policy and urban policy in the context of structural policy


    Lecture with activating methods, discussion. Complementary self-study of given literature.


    Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung


    The European Union (2018), What it is and what is does. Luxembourg, Publications Office of the European Union (https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/715cfcc8-fa70-11e7-b8f5-01aa75ed71a1/language-en)

    Strohmeier R. and Habets I. (2013), EU Policies: An Overview. From Decision Making to Implementation, Brussels, Centre for European Studies

    Schütze R. (2015), An Introduction to European Law. 2nd edition, Cambridge University Press



    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS
    MIAC3 Introduction to International Economic Law | ILV

    MIAC3 Introduction to International Economic Law | ILV

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    • Basic Principles of the International Legal Economic Order
    • The Main Actors and Law Makers of International Economic Law
    • Basic Elements of World Trade Law (GATT, GATS, TRIPS, Anti-Dumping Measures) and Regional Trade Agreements
    • Introduction to Mechanisms of International Dispute Settlements and International Commercial Arbitration
    • Comparison and Case Studies of the Regional Market Integrations


    • Understand the basic principles and different sub-categories of International Economic Law

    • Identify international regulators for international economic relations

    • Assess specific aspects of economic relations between states, and between states and non-state actors and the business sector


    Lecture with activating methods, discussion and students’ presentations




    Herdegen M. (2016). Principles of International Economic Law, Oxford.

    Rolland S. E. (2019). Emerging Powers in the International Economic Order, Cambridge University Press.



    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS

    Modul LO1MGO4 Current Issues

    LO1MGO4 Current Issues

    1 SWS   4 ECTS


    • After completing the module, students are able to (1) identify the major trends in Austrian politics within Central Europe

    • (2) examine critically contemporary and current international issues related to urban policy and international affairs

    1 SWS
    4 ECTS
    MUP4C1 Austrian Politics in a Central European Context | SE

    MUP4C1 Austrian Politics in a Central European Context | SE

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    Milestones of Austrian/Central European History

    Austrian politics within a Central European context

    Basic elements of Austrian foreign policy

    Austrian social policy and social partnership (Sozialpartnerschaft)

    Austrian political party system


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to (1) identify major milestones of Austrian politics within Central Europe

    • (2) assess specific aspects of the social, economic and historical relations between Central European states and its relationship with Austria


    Lecture with activating methods and discussion




    Gehler, M., & Bischof, G. (2017). Austrian Foreign Policy after World War II. In Austrian Foreign Policy in Historical Context (pp. 2-24). Routledge

    Ramet, S. P., & Hassenstab, C. M. (Eds.). (2019). Central and Southeast European politics since 1989. Cambridge University Press.

    Pavlovsky, B. (2019). Austrian foreign cultural policy: Europeanization through the prism of national interests. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 25(7), 933-945.



    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS
    MUP4C2 Fireside Chats/Public Lectures on Current Topics | UE

    MUP4C2 Fireside Chats/Public Lectures on Current Topics | UE

    0.5 SWS   3 ECTS


    The content of the lectures and talks is related to urban policy and international affairs.


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to (1) identify current issues

    • (2) critically analyze topics related to urban policy and international relations


    Lecture with activating methods and discussion


    Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung





    0.5 SWS
    3 ECTS
    Modul LO1MGO5 Security, Citizen-Centricity and Social Design

    LO1MGO5 Security, Citizen-Centricity and Social Design

    1.5 SWS   4 ECTS


    • Graduates are prepared to identify and to deal with different forms of insecurity on individual and social level.

    • They are able to support and provide cooperative settings for civic initiatives and city-administrations.

    • They develop sustainable solutions concerning traffic, housing and public spaces.

    1.5 SWS
    4 ECTS
    MGO5C1 Security and (Citizen) Sovereignty | ILV

    MGO5C1 Security and (Citizen) Sovereignty | ILV

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    Citizen sovereignty: advantages and disadvantages in security matters

    The role of data and statistics: official statistics and dark numbers; data security in research

    The state of European cities: demographic development, mobility and digitalization

    Individual and social aspects: risk perception, vulnerable groups, fear of crime, relevant theories in criminology, subjective and objective safety and security

    Service of public interest: urban resilience, sustainable urban planning, European and national action plans, public private partnership, risk and crises communication

    Security technologies: video surveillance, unmanned aerial vehicles, social media analyses, artificial intelligence

    Case study: analyze problem areas, vulnerable groups, relevant stakeholders and required data; evaluate and apply action plans


    • Students understand individual and social aspects of risk perception, fear of crime as well as relevant theories in criminology.

    • Students analyze problem areas, vulnerable groups, relevant stakeholders and required data.

    • Students evaluate and apply action plans in municipalities also according to European guidelines.


    Lecture, work in groups, discussions, case study




    Bott, H., Grassl, G., Anders, S. (2019): Sustainable Urban Planning. Vibrant Neighbourhoods – Smart Cities – Resilience. Berlin: De Gruyter

    Douglas, M., Wildavsky, A. (1983): Risk and Culture.An Essay on the Selection of Technological and Environmental Dangers. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press

    Kahnemann, D. (2011): Thinking, fast and slow. New York: Farrer, Straus und Giroux

    Schwind, H.D. (2016): Kriminologie und Kriminalpolitik. 23. Auflage. Heidelberg: Kriminalistik Verlag

    Vanderveen, G. (2006): Interpreting Fear, Crime, Risk, and Unsafety: Conceptualisation and Measurement. Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers



    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    MGO5C2 Social Integration and Social Design | ILV

    MGO5C2 Social Integration and Social Design | ILV

    0.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    Livability of cities and regions in co-creation with residents

    Livability of cities and regions in co-creation with residents

    Development of regenerative blue-green areas and sensitive spaces that support healthy conditions

    Climate adaption and mitigation in urban planning

    Case Studies East-Asian, American and European cities

    Cooperation of civil society and city-administrations

    Awareness of ecologic, economic and social potentials of communities and companies

    Introduction to theories of social integration and disintegration

    Mechanism of group-focused enmity and radicalized milieus


    • After finishing the course, students are able to (1) apply models of sustainable urban planning

    • (2) identify the main issues of livability and regenerative spaces in urban context

    • (3) shape and support processes of civic participation and engagement

    • (4) develop and carry out programs for a social design of urban infrastructure

    • (5) deal with the threats of social disintegration

    • (6) understand the importance and principles of social cohesion


    Lecture with activating methods, case study solutions, problem-based learning




    Brandsen T., Cattacin Sandro et. al. (2016): Social Innovations in the Urban Context (Nonprofit and Civil Society Studies)

    Dreiseitl H. Grau, D. (2014): Waterscapes Innovation, UK

    Farr D. (2007): Sustainable Urbanism. Design With Nature

    Florida R. (2008): Who’s Your City?

    McLaren D., Agyeman J. (2015): Sharing Cities: A Case for Truly Smart and Sustainable Cities

    Putnam R.D. (2000): Bowling Alone. The Collapse and Revival of American Community

    Rosanvallon P. (2000): The New Social Question

    Sennett R. (2018): Building and Dwelling: Ethics for the City



    0.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Modul LO2MML3 Applied Management

    LO2MML3 Applied Management

    1.5 SWS   4 ECTS


    • After completing the module, students are able to (1) classify tools of the main management instruments and their benefits to political or municipal organizations

    • (2) identify and apply appropriate management instruments to improve efficiency and effectiveness in teams or organizations

    • (3) design and customize management instruments to meet specific needs of teams or organizations

    • (4) design and implement participation tools in political or municipal processes

    • (5) design, control, carry out or contract EU Projects

    1.5 SWS
    4 ECTS
    MML3C1 Design of Management Instruments and Managerial Tools | ILV

    MML3C1 Design of Management Instruments and Managerial Tools | ILV

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    Management instruments: Definitions, elements, benefits, effort

    Individual design of management instruments for the benefit of the decision makers, the managing stuff, the learning organization, the customers and the public

    Analyzing organizations to identify useful management instruments to achieve certain improvements

    Integration of certain management instruments and tools: Designing an individual Integrated Management System 


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to (1) critically discuss and demonstrate the useful aspects of certain management instruments

    • (2) classify the approaches of integrated management systems

    • (3) critically evaluate and select useful elements of specific management systems to improve the performance in their organizations

    • (4) set up and carry out a systematic procedure to design and implement an integrated management system in their organization compliant with the requirement that the benefits must be greater than efforts


    Lecture with activating methods

    Group work






    Askarany, Davood, Malcolm Smith, and Hassan Yazdifar. "Attributes of innovation and the implementation of managerial tools: an activity-based management technique." International Journal of Business and Systems Research 1.1 (2007).

    Flak, O. "Concept of managerial tools based on the system of organizational terms." Innovation in Management and Production Engineering (2013): 187-197.



    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS
    MML3C2 Change Management, Mediation and Participation | ILV

    MML3C2 Change Management, Mediation and Participation | ILV

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    Theory of change, opposition and conflict

    Intra-, interpersonal and intercultural aspects of opposition and conflict

    Change management in political, municipal and private context

    Theory of mediation and different approaches

    Public, interorganizational and intraorganizational participation: methods and tools

    Design of a change process - case study


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to (1) apply the theory of change and conflict to the challenges in their home regions and organizations

    • (2) analyze certain political or municipal intended activities and projects and identify potentials for opposition and conflicts

    • (3) choose and design elements of the toolbox for change management, mediation and participation to achieve goals straightforward and with sustainable effects

    • (4) evaluate useful participation tools to improve the integrability of intended measures and changes

    • (5) apply their knowledge to design change processes and change projects


    Lecture with activating methods, Group work, Presentation, Discussion




    Lauer, Thomas. Change Management. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.

    Cameron, Esther, and Mike Green. Making sense of change management: A complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organizational change. Kogan Page Publishers, 2019.



    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS
    MML3C3 EU-Project Management | ILV

    MML3C3 EU-Project Management | ILV

    0.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    Project management in general and EU project cycle management

    Principles and structure of different EU funds

    Finance structure design and grant processing of the most important EU funds 

    Principles and techniques of EU projects planning

    Case studies for planning, submitting, managing budgeting/financing of EU projects and reporting needs


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to (1) understand the complex nature of different EU funds

    • (2) understand the comprehensive granting procedures of different EU funds

    • (3) project budgeting, project documentation, evaluation, validation and dissemination

    • (4) design, plan and submit EU-project proposals


    Lecture with activating methods, discussion and students’ presentations




    Dziewulska A. (2012). Practitioners’ Advice on EU Project Management, Center for Europe, Warsaw.

    Tärnov E. (2010). Making EU Projects successful: What matters most, Lap Lambert.



    0.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Modul LO4MCO4 Diplomatic Competences

    LO4MCO4 Diplomatic Competences

    1.5 SWS   4 ECTS


    • After completing the module, students are able to (1) gain a set of strategic networking skills

    • (2) utilize the basic elements of EU legal English

    • (3) critically evaluate public diplomacy and city branding strategies

    1.5 SWS
    4 ECTS
    MCO4C1 Strategic Networking | ILV

    MCO4C1 Strategic Networking | ILV

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    Mechanics of strategic networking, lobbying, and public affairs campaigns with a special focus on digitalization

    Historical background to effective public relations and lobbying, and the ethical and regulatory frameworks

    Various techniques employed by lobbyists around the world

    Guidance to plan and implement campaigns

    Case studies


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to (1) understand the tools and techniques of strategic networking to effectively pursue interests

    • (2) identify strategic networks and the lobbying landscape in the EU

    • (3) understand the dynamics and trends in EU lobbying and the legal requirements for EU lobbyists (EU Register)

    • (4) compare strategic networking tools on the international level (US, Japan, EU, etc.)

    • (5) examine transparency needs and ethical standards in strategic networking


    Lecture with activating methods, discussion and students’ presentations




    Broom G.M. and Sha B-L. (2013). Cutlip and Center’s Effective Public Relations, 11th Edition, Pearson.

    Dialer D.  and Richter M. (2019). Lobbying in the European Union: Strategies, Dynamics and Trends, Springer.

    Zetter L. (2013). Lobbying: The Art of Political Persuasion, 3rd Edition, Harrimon House.



    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS
    MCO4C2 EU Legal English | UE

    MCO4C2 EU Legal English | UE

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    Introduction into the main legal EU terminology

    Understanding EU legal texts and Court of Justice’s judgements


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to (1) know and understand the main EU legal terminology

    • (2) make use of it in the preparation of their master thesis


    Inter-active language training based on legal texts (legislation and judgements)


    Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung


    European Commission (2016), English Style Guide. A handbook for authors and translators in the European Commission. Last updated February 2020 (https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/styleguide_english_dgt_en.pdf)



    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS
    MCO4C3 Public Diplomacy and City Branding | ILV

    MCO4C3 Public Diplomacy and City Branding | ILV

    0.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    Theoretical and historical foundations of public diplomacy and city branding

    Strategies, tactics, and stakeholders in public diplomacy

    Media relations, strategic media management, and crisis communication

    Public diplomacy in the digital age

    Brand management for cities and regions

    Image and reputation management for cities in a globalized world

    Implementation and evaluation of city branding strategies


    • Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: (1) Appreciate the importance of public diplomacy for international relations and city branding as a viable tool in the international competitive arena

    • (2) Explain the key concepts and tools of public diplomacy and city branding

    • (3) Design public diplomacy strategies for both governments and non-state actors

    • (4) Assess the success of public diplomacy and city branding initiatives


    Interactive lectures with discussions, group activities, case studies (country cases and trends), individual tasks and exercises, simulations (crisis communication)




    Anholt, S. (2006). Public diplomacy and place branding: Where’s the link? Place Branding, 2(4), 271–275. doi:10.1057/palgrave.pb.6000040

    Dinnie, K. (2016). Nation Branding: Concept, issue, practice. 2nd Ed., NY: Routledge.

    Melissen, J., Wang, J. (2019). Debating public diplomacy: Now and next. Leiden, Boston: Brill Nijhoff.

    Snow, N., Cull, N. J. (2020): The Routledge Handbook of public diplomacy. New York, NY [u.a.]: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.



    0.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Modul LO5MPA Professional Engagement

    LO5MPA Professional Engagement

    0 SWS   7 ECTS


    • After completing the module, students are able to (1) build a record of work experience

    • (2) integrate theory and practice

    • (3) gain useful insights into the functioning of international/municipal organizations

    7 ECTS
    MPAC1 Professional Residency or Professional Work Report | PR

    MPAC1 Professional Residency or Professional Work Report | PR

    0 SWS   7 ECTS


    Elaboration of a Report


    • Option 1: Professional residency at an international organization or at the City of Vienna The students are, after finishing the course, able to (a) acquire and deepen employment contacts

    • Option 1: Professional residency at an international organization or at the City of Vienna The students are, after finishing the course, able to (b) develop communication, interpersonal and other critical skills relevant for a job in international organizations

    • Option 2: Graduates who will do their professional residency at their workplace The students are, after finishing the course, able to (c) reflect critically on their own daily work experience

    • Option 1: Professional residency at an international organization or at the City of Vienna The students are, after finishing the course, able to (d) integrate classroom experience with their professional work




    Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: Report





    7 ECTS
    Modul LO6MAR2 Second Part Methods and Research in Social Sciences

    LO6MAR2 Second Part Methods and Research in Social Sciences

    1.5 SWS   2 ECTS


    • After completing the module, students are able to (1) explain and apply different empirical methods in social sciences

    • (2) structure and plan a scientific research project on the basis of current social and political issues

    1.5 SWS
    2 ECTS
    MAR2C2 Research Design | UE

    MAR2C2 Research Design | UE

    1 SWS   1 ECTS


    Introduction and examples of research exposé

    Preparation of master thesis


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to (1) write the design for a research project from the project idea, the formulation of the research question to the applied method

    • (2) write the key points of an exposé of a scientific work (of the master thesis)

    • (3) optimize their performance at project presentations


    Lecture with activating methods, discussion; blended learning


    Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung


    Bechhofer, F & Paterson, L. (2000)  Principles of Research Design in the Social Sciences,  Psychology Press

    Marczyk, G., D. DeMatteo, D. Festinger (2005): Essentials of Research Design and Methodology, John Wiley & Sons, Year



    1 SWS
    1 ECTS
    MAR2C3 Applied Political Science | ILV

    MAR2C3 Applied Political Science | ILV

    0.5 SWS   1 ECTS


    Presentation of current research projects

    Introduction to applied political science


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to (1) deduct options for action from applied research

    • (2) identify relevant research results


    Lecture with activating methods, discussion; case studies; blended learning


    Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung


    Abbarno, A. J., & Bonoff, N. (2018). Applied Political Science and Evidence-Based Foreign Assistance in Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance. PS: Political Science & Politics, 51(3), 559-562

    Eckstein, H. (1990). More about applied political science. PS: Political Science & Politics, 23(1), 54-56




    0.5 SWS
    1 ECTS
    Modul LO6MAR4 Master Thesis

    LO6MAR4 Master Thesis

    0 SWS   5 ECTS


    • After completing the module, students are able to (1) demonstrate their ability to work scientifically in theoretical and practical terms

    • (2) present and discuss the findings of their master thesis

    5 ECTS
    MAR4C1 Elaboration of Master Thesis I | MT

    MAR4C1 Elaboration of Master Thesis I | MT

    0 SWS   5 ECTS


    Master thesis


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to (1) write a master thesis

    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to (2) demonstrate their ability to work scientifically in theoretical and practical terms


    Master thesis




    Literatur is abhängig vom Thema der Thesis.



    5 ECTS

    Modul LO5MPA Professional Engagement

    LO5MPA Professional Engagement

    2 SWS   5 ECTS


    • After completing the module, students are able to (1) build a record of work experience

    • (2) integrate theory and practice

    • (3) gain useful insights into the functioning of international/municipal organizations

    2 SWS
    5 ECTS
    MPAC2 Visit to International/Municipal Organizations | UE

    MPAC2 Visit to International/Municipal Organizations | UE

    2 SWS   5 ECTS


    Visit to international and municipal organizations in Vienna (and optionally in Brussels)


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to apply the theoretical knowledge to the reality of international/municipal organizations.




    Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung: Report





    2 SWS
    5 ECTS
    Modul LO6MAR3 Preparation Master Thesis

    LO6MAR3 Preparation Master Thesis

    2 SWS   4 ECTS


    • After completing the module, students are able to (1) carry out data collection and data evaluation

    • (2) organize the research process, adapt to changes and solve emerging problems

    2 SWS
    4 ECTS
    MAR3C1 Master Thesis Workshop | UE

    MAR3C1 Master Thesis Workshop | UE

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    Analysis and interpretation of interview transcript

    Application of statistical methods


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to apply methods of social research for their own master theses.


    Lecture with activating methods, exercise on the basis of concrete examples; blended learning


    Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung


    Eco, U.  (2015). How to write a thesis, Cambridge-London: MIT Press

    Mauch, James E., Namgi Park (2003). Guide to the Successful Thesis and Dissertation, New York: CRC Press



    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    MAR3C2 Master Thesis Coaching | SE

    MAR3C2 Master Thesis Coaching | SE

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    Methodical discussion of the master thesis

    Discussion of the content and structure of the master thesis


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to identify and solve problems and open issues of the master thesis


    Lecture with blended learning


    Immanente Leistungsüberprüfung


    Subhash Chandra Parija, Vikram Kate (2018): Thesis Writing for Master's and Ph.D. Program, Springer



    1 SWS
    2 ECTS
    Modul LO6MAR4 Master Thesis

    LO6MAR4 Master Thesis

    1 SWS   21 ECTS


    • After completing the module, students are able to (1) demonstrate their ability to work scientifically in theoretical and practical terms

    • (2) present and discuss the findings of their master thesis

    1 SWS
    21 ECTS
    MAR4C1 Elaboration of the Master Thesis II | MT

    MAR4C1 Elaboration of the Master Thesis II | MT

    0 SWS   19 ECTS


    Master thesis


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to (1) write a master thesis

    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to (2) demonstrate their ability to work scientifically in theoretical and practical terms









    19 ECTS
    MAR4C2 Master Thesis Exam | AP

    MAR4C2 Master Thesis Exam | AP

    1 SWS   2 ECTS


    Presentation of scientific poster

    Oral exam


    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to (1) present the findings of their master thesis

    • The students are, after finishing the course, able to (2) discuss and reflect the theoretical the theory imparted during studies









    1 SWS
    2 ECTS


    Erstes Semester (Oktober bis Jänner)
    Willkommenswoche im Oktober (Präsenz in Wien), 3 Wochenendblöcke online, 2 Wochenendblöcke in Wien

    Zweites Semester (Februar bis Juni)
    3 Wochenendblöcke online, 3 Wochenendblöcke in Wien, Besuch bei einer UN-Organisation in Wien

    Drittes Semester (November bis Jänner)
    2 Wochenendblöcke online, 3 Wochenendblöcke in Wien

    Viertes Semester (Februar bis Juni)
    Zwei Wochenendblöcke online, 3-tägige Reise nach Brüssel, Online-Defensio der Masterarbeit

    November: Graduierungsfeier in Wien

    Wochenendblöcke: Freitag 15 bis 20 Uhr, Samstag ganztägig, Sonntag 8 bis 13 Uhr

    Nach dem Studium

    Als Absolvent*in dieses Studiums stehen Ihnen vielfältige Berufsfelder und Karrierechancen offen, auch auf globaler Ebene.

    Der inter- und transdisziplinäre Ansatz des Programms eröffnet Ihnen eine überaus große Bandbreite an Tätigkeitsfeldern und bildet den Ausgangspunkt für Ihre nächsten Karriereschritte in Abteilungen der Stadtverwaltung, in der Politik, in Organisationen internationaler Beziehungen und Botschaften oder in der Wirtschaft. Breit gefächertes Wissen aus Politikwissenschaft, Volkswirtschaft, Völkerrecht und Management schafft beste Voraussetzungen, um Führungsverantwortung wahrzunehmen und Entscheidungen fundiert und evidenzbasiert zu treffen. Genauso steht Ihnen die Möglichkeit offen, in die sozial- und politikwissenschaftliche Lehre und Forschung zu gehen.

    • Öffentliche Verwaltung auf EU-, Bund-, Landes- Bezirks- und Gemeindeebene

    • Botschaften und Diplomatische Vertretungen

    • Internationale Organisationen (UN, OSCE, OPEC etc.)

    • Politische (Teil-)Organisationen

      • Interessensvertretungen

      • Organisationen mit politischen Zielsetzungen

      • NGOs und NPOs

      • Privatunternehmen

        Studieren einfach gemacht

        Bücher mit Geld
        Förderungen & Stipendien
        Wortlaut Deutschkurs auf Tafel geschrieben

        Deutsch lernen, egal auf welchem Level!

        Fisch springt in einen Wassertank mit anderen Fischen
        Offene Lehrveranstaltungen
        Person arbeitet an Laptop
        Zentrum für wissenschaftliches Schreiben
        Barrierefrei studieren

        Eine Gruppe von 12 Menschen steht vor einer grünen Wiese
        16. April 2024

        Die EU hautnah erleben

        Für Studierende von International Relations and Urban Policy steht im vierten Semester eine einwöchige Exkursion nach Brüssel auf dem Programm. Zehn Studierende aus Bulgarien, Serbien, Ungarn, Tschechische Republik, Polen und Österreich waren deshalb Anfang April bei verschiedenen EU-Institutionen und Einrichtungen, um sich Insights zu holen.

        • Verwaltung, Wirtschaft, Sicherheit, Politik
        • Networking
        • Mobilität


        Alle Events
        Zu diesem Thema sind derzeit keine Events verfügbar.

        Vernetzen mit Absolvent*innen und Organisationen

        Das außerordentliche Masterstudium (CE) wird in Kooperation mit der Stadt Wien durchgeführt.

        Wir arbeiten eng mit namhaften Unternehmen aus Wirtschaft und Industrie, Universitäten, Institutionen und Schulen zusammen. Das sichert Ihnen Anknüpfungspunkte für Berufspraktika, die Jobsuche oder Ihre Mitarbeit bei Forschungs- und Entwicklungsaktivitäten. Bei spannenden Schulkooperationen können Sie als Studierende dazu beitragen, Schüler*innen für ein Thema zu begeistern. Viele unserer Kooperationen sind im Campusnetzwerk abgebildet. Ein Blick darauf lohnt sich immer und führt Sie vielleicht zu einem neuen Job oder auf eine interessante Veranstaltung unserer Kooperationspartner*innen!



        Organisation und Administration

        Hessam Habibi Doroh, BA MA MA

        Favoritenstraße 226, A.3.22
        1100 Wien
        +43 1 6066877-3862

        Lageplan Hauptstandort Favoriten (Google Maps)

        Termine nach Vereinbarung


        Themenfolder Verwaltung, Wirtschaft, Sicherheit, Politik
        pdf, 836 KB

        Sie möchten mehr wissen? Wir helfen Ihnen.


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