Gender & Diversity Management

We take great care to promote equality for all people in all areas of society and to create awareness of the relevance of the categories “gender” and “diversity” at FH Campus Wien and in our teaching.

To do this, we implement a number of measures:

Diversity Management Award for FH Campus Wien

In December 2016, FH Campus Wien was awarded the “Diversitas” prize by the Federal Ministry for Science, Research and Economy. The prize money is used to implement project measures with the aim of promoting accessibility for students and an open and supportive university culture towards students and employees with disabilities and chronic diseases.

More info on the Diversity Management Award for the FH Campus Wien (only availabel in German)

Charter of Diversity

As an important sign of its commitment to diversity management, FH Campus Wien was the first university of applied sciences in Austria to sign the Diversity Charter in autumn 2011.

Code of Conduct for responsible cooperation

In 2012, the university management of FH Campus Wien decided to put a code of conduct into effect for the university of applied sciences. This also includes a commitment to equal opportunity and diversity:
FH Campus Wien recognizes the diversity and differences of the people associated with it in terms of gender, age, sexual orientation, skin color, physical and psychological abilities/disabilities and ethnic origin as special values. Internationality and cultural diversity are strategic goals of the institution. Equality and diversity principles have a prominent place in the Code of Conduct and are also anchored in the mission statement and the strategic orientation of FH Campus Wien.
To the Code of Conduct (only available in German)


Are you interested in attending our events and would you like to receive invitations by email? Then simply contact us at We would be happy to add you to our event mailing list. To our data policy (only available in German)

Expert lectures on gender and diversity topics

In the lecture evenings of the Department Gender & Diversity Management, topics from the areas of gender mainstreaming, advancement of women, diversity management, trans and interculturality are discussed by experts. The aim is to present current statements on societal challenges for discussion and to contribute to an exchange between people in teaching, research and practice.

The Gender Salons are open to all employees, students and teachers at FH Campus Wien as well as to all interested parties. Registration is free of charge and open to the public.

Previous topics and speakers (only available in German, PDF 191 KB)



The department also organizes meetings, sometimes in cooperation with external institutions, on relevant content-related focal points such as gender mainstreaming and advancement of women, work with boys’ and men’s research, diversity management.

A look back at previous conferences (selection):

Conferences - as of 07/2019 (only available in German, PDF 196 KB)


Social diversity and social participation are the focus of the movie nights in cooperation with the film festival TRANSITION: international queer minorities film festival and this human world: international human rights film festival. Talks with experts after the films enable the audience to discuss the film, social and legal issues, etc. Information on film festival ticket prices can be found on the festival websites.
The Movie Nights are open to all employees, students and teachers at FH Campus Wien as well as to all interested parties. Simply register to attend the Movie Nights free of charge.

Lecture evenings and seminars are offered for students and graduates of technical subjects, the content of which aims to make it easier for women to start their careers and to support them in their professional advancement.

The aim is also to offer a networking platform for women* in technology as part of these events.

Event overview in the Campusnetzwerk

University and Family Audit

In 2015, FH Campus Wien was awarded the basic certificate as a "family-friendly employer". During the subsequent three-year project period, numerous measures were implemented to support employees and students with children or care obligations. After successful external auditing, the FH received the full certificate of the state quality mark "family-friendly university" in 2018 - this certificate was awarded to the FH again in 2021 after examination by an external auditing body.

Currently, the Gender & Diversity Management department, the management and the ÖH student representation are working on the implementation of further offers and activities within the framework of the current audit period 2021 to 2024. Among other things, the following have already been implemented:

  • Child care on school-free days and during fall vacation: current dates (only available in German)
  • Company agreement makes "father-parent-baby time2 possible: When a child is born or adopted or a foster child is taken in, it is possible, under certain conditions, to take up to four weeks of special paid leave. More Info on the "father-parent-baby time" company agreement  (log-in area of the intranet of FH Campus Wien - only available in German)
  • One special day of leave upon the entry of a child into elementary school on the first day of school in the first grade: applies to biological children, adopted and foster children as well as the children of the registered partner within the meaning of the EPG or the cohabiting partner.
    See details in the company agreement "Dienstverhinderung" (log-in area of the intranet of FH Campus Wien - only available in German)
  • Guideline "Private Parcel Policy" at the main campus
  • Child-friendly facilities at the FH Campus Wien main campus: Nursing room/changing room (Room C.E.06/Favoritenstraße 226), children's and nursing room (Room F.E.14/Favoritenstraße 222), changing tables in numerous barrier-free toilets, high chairs in the Campina cafeteria and Da Campo cafeteria, half portions for children in the cafeteria, stroller parking space in the foyer
  • Online information for employees and students: on the topics of parents/family and caregiver responsibilities (log-in area of the intranet of FH Campus Wien - only available in German)
  • Compatibility questions during the employee interview
  • Parents-Café of the ÖH FH Campus Wien: Parents-Café Dates (only available in German)
  • Point of contact for support and caregiver responsibilities: see project management and the Department Gender & Diversity Management
  • Relaxation room for all FH Campus Wien employees at the main campus, more information on the relaxation room P.E.03  (log-in area of the intranet of FH Campus Wien - only available in German)

More About University and Family in our Campusnetzwerk

Your contact person for concerns: Mag.a Ulrike Alker, MA
Peojectleader University and Family Audit

Workshops and Courses

With our preparatory courses and workshops, we promote an inclusive and diverse academic environment at FH Campus Wien. Discover our programs!

Bridging courses

With these courses you will be ready for your studies.

Zwei Studierende schauen gemeinsam in ein Buch
The buddy network

Support in getting started with technology.

Studierende jubelt vor Hochschulgebäude
German Courses

Our free language courses for students.

Women into Technology!

Technical pre-qualification and eligible Bachelor's programs


Studying with Disabilities

You want to apply for the degree program and require support due to a disability, chronic illness or restriction?


Mag.a Ursula Weilenmann
Gender & Diversity Management
T: +43 1 606 68 77-6142

You can also contact the Equal Opportunity Office, especially if you have legal questions: Equal Opportunity Office - Info and Contact

Equal Opportunity Office

Equal opportunity and non-discrimination are the core values at FH Campus Wien. The Equal Opportunity Office was set up to promote this.
It is the contact point for discrimination problems at FH Campus Wien in relation to gender, disability, age, ethnicity, religion/belief, sexual orientation.

The Equal Opportunity Office provides legal information and consultation on:

  • Equal treatment of applicants before the start of their studies (e.g. admission procedure)
  • Equal treatment of students
  • Equal treatment in personnel matters as well as
  • Legal questions about the degree programs and the administration of FH Campus Wien.

It was set up to promote equal opportunity for everyone associated with FH Campus Wien and to counteract discrimination.


Mag.a Lilian Levai-Dalbauer
+43 676 840 348 240

Lilian Levai-Dalbauer is available by telephone
Wednesdays, from 17.00 p.m. to 18.00 p.m.
(except for vacations and public holidays).

The Equal Opportunity Office is available for all

  • applicants
  • students
  • full and part-time teachers and researchers
  • salaried and freelance employees (including those of subsidiaries)
  • and all management members

of FH Campus Wien.

Issues are treated confidentially. Ms. Mag.a Levai-Dalbauer is independent in her function and not subject to instructions.

Issues are treated confidentially. Ms Mag.a Levai-Dalbauer is independent in her function and not subject to instructions.

Lilian Levai-Dalbauer is a legal advisor in the field of anti-discrimination and a certified mediator. Since May 2013, she has been working in the advice center for people affected by racism at the ZARA association, where she is responsible for, among other things, providing legal advice and support in law enforcement. She also holds workshops focusing on raising awareness, civil courage and anti-discrimination law.

queer @ FH Campus Wien

Equal opportunity for everyone and a life together without discrimination are the core values at FH Campus Wien.

Find more information on queer @ FH Campus Wien

Restrooms for all

At the FH Campus Wien, in addition to the toilets marked F and M, there are also some unisex toilets at the main campus and at the Kelsenstraße location. These can be used by all people, regardless of their gender identity.

They should be safe places where - as everywhere in the house - there is respectful behavior.

For countless people, the facilities behind a toilet door are more important than the "for women - for men" label on the door. And for some people, an exclusively two-gender system does not allow them space or choice when choosing a restroom because of their gender identity - such as inter* or intersex, non-binary, genderfluid (PDF 196 KB), trans* students and staff.

The introduction of the official gender classifications diverse, open (in January 2019) as well as inter or a complete deletion of the entry (2020) in Austria for intergender people is a visible sign of the fact that a dual system falls short. "Restrooms for all" - together with toilets for women and men - offer all people the choice to use the toilet that suits them best.

Unisex restrooms can be found at:

Main location Favoritenstraße 226

  • B.3.16
  • C.3.05
  • C.1.06
  • A.1.08 and A.1.10
  • B.E.05 - barrier-free restroom at the reception
  • B.-1.23 - Canteen restroom facilities

Hauptstandort Favoritenstraße 222

  • E.4.08 - barrier-free restroom
  • E.4.09
  • E.4.10
  • F.-1.06
  • F.-1.07
  • F.-1.13 - barrier-free restroom

A lockable single shower and locker room is located on the gym level:

  • B.-2.11 - shower for all (access via B.-2.09).

Kelsenstraße 2

  • S.2.13
  • S.3.15
  • S.4.15

FiT Pre-Qualification

FH Campus Wien has offered an annual pre-qualification course as part of the AMS FiT program since 2010. This prepares participating women for technical studies.
More info on the FiT Pre-Qualification


Bridging Courses

Refresher courses in subjects such as mathematics, physics, etc. are offered in the summer for first-semester students of certain (technology) courses.
More info and dates on the bridging courses


Buddy Network in Technical Courses

Interested parties, applicants and first-semester students have the opportunity to network with a higher-semester student from certain technical degree programs. This personal and individual support from experienced students is intended to clarify questions and facilitate the entry into a technology degree program.

More Info on the Buddy Network in Technical Courses


German courses for students

Semester and intensive courses for all students have been offered at FH Campus Wien since March 2023. The aim of the offer is to provide interested students with professional opportunities to improve and deepen their language skills (oral, written, rhetorical).

More information here


Mag. Karin Horak

Project Coordination - FiT - Frauen in die Technik (Women into Technology)

Sarah Wolf, BA

Team Coordination Social Work in the Program #Nurses4Vienna; Implementation

Katharina Schick, MA MA

Team Coordination German in the Program #Nurses4Vienna; Academic Staff; Implementation and Quality Assurance