17. Oktober 2024
17 October 2024, 6 pm, H.-2.03, Favoritenstraße 232, 1100 Vienna
The design of prisons is important for the rehabilitation of inmates as well as for security reasons. The 24 prisons and detention centres in Austria have very different structural and technical designs. Due to the structural heterogeneity, organisational structures and processes vary and manifest themselves in different prison conditions. It is therefore difficult to implement the necessary uniform modernisation measures and standards that meet the needs of all users.
As almost every prisoner is released at the end, it is worth thinking about design concepts to improve rehabilitation. Promising experiences from the Norwegian and European prison systems with regard to the design of prisons and rehabilitation concepts can help to improve national standards to reduce the recidivism rate here too.
The Campus Lecture is held in English.
Participation is free. Please register here.
We will take photos and videos at this event. The recordings will also be published on social media channels and in print media to present our activities.
If you require special support, please contact Mirjam Habisreutinger by 30 September 2024 at mirjam_johanna.habisreutinger@fh-campuswien.ac.at or 01 606 68 77-2153.